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Monthly Archives: June 2023

June 12, 2023

Waiting for perfection or the perfect moment will only lead to inaction and missed opportunities. True greatness and epic moments are born out of imperfection, struggle, and taking action. Think of the best comebacks in sports or the most legendary game-winning shots. They were made possible by facing failure, trying, attempting, and not waiting for the perfect circumstances. If you want to live a fulfilling life, it’s time to stop waiting and start doing.

Perfection and epicness are not found in waiting; they are created through action. Embrace the fact that things won’t be perfect, and that’s okay. Take that first step, then another, and keep moving forward. Epic moments come to those who enter the arena, ready to give their all, with faces marred by blood, sweat, and tears. It’s through doing, trying, and attempting that you find perfection in your own way. I can’t promise you’ll be the next Michael Jordan, but I can assure you that by discovering your passion, finding your power, and embracing your purpose, you’ll unlock a life filled with meaning and fulfillment.

Don’t wait for perfection or the right moment to come. Just do something, take that first step, and keep going. Embrace imperfection and let it be the catalyst for your journey towards epicness. Discover what drives you, tap into your power, and unleash your purpose upon the world. Remember, true fulfillment is found through action, not waiting. So, go out there and live the life you want to live. Discover your passion, find your power, and let your purpose shine.

June 9, 2023

Meagan O’Nan is an award-winning author, keynote speaker, and vulnerable storytelling expert. She is the author of the award-winning book, “Creating Your Heaven on Earth,” and “Courage: Agreeing to Disagree Is Not Enough.” Her third book, “Held And Free: Coming Out of Your Story” was released in March 2023. Meagan is also a member of the Forbes Coaches Council where she produces regular content for Forbes.com.

Meagan has spoken to thousands of people at live events since 2008, including alongside internationally recognized spiritual leaders such as don Miguel Ruiz, author of the best-selling book, “The Four Agreements,” and she has appeared multiple times in local and national media. Meagan even received a personal note from Desmond Tutu after hearing a talk of hers on forgiveness.


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June 5, 2023

In a recent conversation with my friend Ryan Harris, a Super Bowl champion and former NFL player, something he said resonated deeply with me. We were discussing basketball and the expectations we have for ourselves and others. Ryan dropped some wisdom that left me inspired. He said, “Boys, expectations are a form of belief.” Those words hit me like fire. It made me realize the significance of setting high expectations for ourselves and how they shape our belief in what we can achieve.

Imagine if we didn’t have any expectations for ourselves or others. What would that mean? As a father, if I didn’t expect my kids to put in the effort, work hard, and do the little things that lead to success in basketball, it would mean I didn’t believe in them. The same principle applies to our own lives. We must start expecting greatness from ourselves. When we set expectations, we declare our belief in our ability to perform at our best, take action, and accomplish the little tasks that lead to significant achievements. Expectations form our beliefs, and we can bring our goals and dreams into existence with belief.

Start expecting great things from yourself. Believe in your potential and set high expectations for your actions, habits, and achievements. Whether getting up early, investing in personal growth, saving money, or pursuing your passions, let your expectations drive you toward becoming a true badass. Expectations can shape our belief in what is possible and propel us toward success. So, discover your passion, find your power, and let your expectations guide you toward greatness.