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August 28, 2023

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Let’s unpack a phrase we hear thrown around often: “mental toughness.” It’s a concept many strive for but struggle to define. So, what does it mean to be mentally tough?

Often, when we label someone as mentally tough, we picture a superhero-like character, invincible to fear, pain, or doubt. But let’s debunk that right away.

Mental toughness is akin to courage. Think about someone you deem courageous – someone like Tim Kennedy, for instance. Do you think he never feels fear? Nah, that’s not the case. He most definitely does. The difference? It’s not that fear isn’t present; it’s that fear doesn’t dictate his actions. Courageous individuals acknowledge their fears and face them head-on.

Similarly, mental toughness isn’t about being impervious to emotional or psychological strain. It’s about resilience and grit. It’s about recognizing when you’re broken and choosing to rise every single time. It’s about facing setbacks, acknowledging the tears and doubts, and then, bravely stepping back into the fray.

Imagine a sword being forged. The metal is subjected to blistering heat, hammered repeatedly, and then cooled. Each cycle makes the blade sharper, more resilient. That’s what it means to be mentally tough. Embracing the fire, enduring the hits, and emerging stronger.

To sum it up, mental toughness doesn’t mean you’re unbreakable. Rather, it signifies that every challenge that tries to break you will only shape you into a mightier version of yourself. Embrace the fire, and let it refine you. 🔥💪

August 21, 2023

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Alright, let’s get honest for a sec. I know what some of y’all are thinking: “Why do the work?” And no, I’m not talking about clocking into your 9-5. I mean that deep, soul-searching, introspective work on ourselves. When most days are pretty average and you’re coasting along just fine, why dig deep? Why push yourself? Why face the mirror?

Here’s the kicker: It’s not about the good days. It’s about prepping for the challenging ones.

Let’s paint a picture. Most days, you wake up, everything’s decent. The kids are alright, your partner hasn’t suddenly turned into an alien, and your bank account isn’t throwing any surprises. Everything’s just… meh. So why go the extra mile?

The raw truth is, storms do come. Life isn’t always a walk in the park. Unexpected challenges? Check. Emotional breakdowns? Check. Days when everything seems to be going against you? Triple check.

It’s precisely for these days that you’ve gotta “do the work.”

Think of it like mental and emotional muscle-building. You can’t expect to lift heavy weights out of the blue if you’ve never set foot in a gym. Similarly, when life drops its curveballs, you can’t expect to handle them without having built up your resilience, strength, and adaptability.

Mental strength isn’t a one-time achievement, folks. It’s like a subscription service – gotta renew it regularly. Just because you conquered a mountain back in ’82 doesn’t mean you’re set for life.

So yeah, on those “blah” days, you’ve gotta keep at it. Meditate, practice gratitude, pray, work out—whatever fills your soul. You gotta keep building that internal armor.

Why? ‘Cause when life tries to knock you down, you’ll be ready to stand tall, look it straight in the eye, and say, “Not today.” So dive into your passions, harness that power, and share your purpose with the world. Keep at it, champs! ✨👊

August 14, 2023

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So, I was scrolling through the ‘Gram the other day (because let’s be real, who isn’t?), and I stumbled across this quote that made me do a double take: “Be grateful for not figuring it out.” At first, I was like, “Wait, what?!” We’re all hustling, grinding, and burning the midnight oil trying to “figure it out,” right?

But here’s the twist. What if not having all the answers was the real treasure? Yeah, I know, mind-blowing, right?

The journey, the messy middle, the trials and errors – that’s where the magic happens. The “figuring out” phase is where we truly grow, evolve, and become the best versions of ourselves. Every failure, every little hiccup, and every “almost there” moment – they all add layers to our story, making the end goal even more satisfying.

Case in point: I’ve been knee-deep in this project for the past two years. It’s been a rollercoaster of messing things up and trying again. And guess what? I might still be wrong, but man, have I learned a ton along the way!

So, next time you feel bogged down by not having all the answers, take a breath. Relish in the journey. Dive deep into the process. Because that, my friends, is where you really get to explore your passions, harness your power, and deliver your unique purpose to the world. Happy ‘figuring it out’!

August 7, 2023

I was recently listening to Inky Johnson.

This guy’s got some profound wisdom to share, and one thing he said recently really resonated with me: “We have to be willing to unlearn what we’ve been conditioned to believe.”

Here’s the thing: most of our beliefs aren’t organically ours. They’re shaped by external influences: our parents, surroundings, mentors, and the whole nine yards. To grow, we gotta recognize this and be ready to shake off these old-school conditioning.

Once we’re aware of this, the next step is to change our thinking, to push us out of our comfort zones. This ain’t no cakewalk, people. It takes effort to see things from a different perspective, especially when we’re so used to our usual thought patterns.

I just finished reading Steve Jobs’ biography by Walter Isaacson, and the Apple guru’s motto of “Think Different” struck a chord. Thinking differently is challenging and uncomfortable, no doubt. But if we want more from life, if we want to level up, we gotta learn to think outside the box. That’s when we start seeing things from new angles and the magic happens: different outcomes and exciting possibilities.

So, my friends, let’s unlearn, let’s think differently, and let’s grow. That’s how we discover our passion, tap into our power, and bring our purpose to the world.

July 31, 2023

In a recent podcast episode, I threw out a question that got me thinking: Can you handle discomfort? Sounds weird, right? I mean, our instincts tell us to avoid discomfort at all costs. We’re wired to play it safe and steady, preferring to keep things just the way they are. It’s our biological homeostasis switch kicking in, ensuring we stay comfy and survive. But here’s the kicker: sticking to comfort zones doesn’t get us far. The secret to growth is actually flipping this script.

Want to grow? Then you’ve got to do things that make you squirm a bit. So, I gotta ask: What are you doing to shake things up? What steps are you taking to ensure you’re not stuck in the same spot next year? If we’re not moving forward, we’re losing the game.

Here’s a little story for you. I just invested in a basketball club that my kids are part of. I’m teaming up with three other coaches who are getting their first taste of business ownership. I challenged them, and myself, not to make any unnecessary personal purchases until the club starts turning a profit. Now, to be real, I’ve done this dance before, with multiple successful ventures. I could easily sit back, but I’m choosing not to.

I’m jumping back into the ring with the guys, matching their discomfort step for step. So, no new Jordans for me for a while, even though I’m a sneaker-head who’s nuts about them. I know it sounds trivial and hardly qualifies as ‘discomfort’, but it’s my way of staying connected with the struggle.

July 24, 2023

Recently, I’ve been tuning into John Danaher’s talks on Jiu-Jitsu and improvement. It’s not just about getting better at Jiu-Jitsu, though. His principles can apply to just about anything.

He talks about how to get better when your time is limited. Let’s take Jiu-Jitsu as an example. You’ve got three hours a week to train. If you casually float through each session, following the instructor’s cues without any specific focus, you’ll have fun, sure. But will you see serious improvement? Probably not. Time is a precious commodity, and if you’re not using it with purpose, your progress will be slow.

Instead, Danaher suggests going into each session with a plan. Say, for a month, you decide to work solely on your knee space guard pass and your attacks from side control. That’s it. Those are your focal points. You drill them into your muscle memory, not just until you get it right a couple of times, but until you can’t get it wrong.

This isn’t a strategy exclusive to Jiu-Jitsu. Whether you’re learning a musical instrument, picking up a new language, or honing your basketball skills, the same principle applies. Narrow your focus. Instead of trying to conquer everything at once, work on one piece of the puzzle until it fits seamlessly into place.

The beauty of this approach is that the improvements might not be earth-shattering in the first month or two. But give it six months, a year, or even a couple of years, and you’ll be amazed at the progress you’ve made.

Ice Cube once said, “Can you work for five years without even thinking about getting paid, so that at the end of that five years, you get paid for real?” It’s a question of discipline, focus, and dedication. Can you commit to the grind and put in the time to perfect each piece before moving onto the next?

So, find what sets your soul on fire, harness the power within you, and share your purpose with the world. Master the art of patience and focused effort, and watch as your progress leaps and bounds ahead of the competition.

July 18, 2023

Alright, let’s get real here. For those who’ve been following my journey on Instagram and other platforms, you know I’ve been wrestling with a bit of anxiety lately. It’s nothing new, just a pesky guest that pops up once every few years, maybe even a decade.
I didn’t get here overnight. I didn’t wake up one morning and think, “I fancy some anxiety today.” It’s a slow build, a gradual process that brought me to this place of discomfort. And even though I’d give anything to shake off this uneasy feeling, I remind myself that just as it didn’t arrive in a day, it ain’t gonna disappear overnight either.
This is where our mental practices come in. Can we sit with the discomfort when it shows up? ‘Cause let me tell you, it’s gonna show up. We all have our battles to fight, our struggles to overcome. None of us are alone in this. What we’ve got to remember is that our troubles ain’t booking a one-way ticket out of our lives tomorrow.
Our minds and bodies aren’t like dealing with the common cold, where some rest and a vitamin boost have us back on our feet the next day. There’s a delay to this process. The actual anxious situation isn’t what triggers my anxiety, but it’s the aftermath, the comedown that gets me. It could even be the aftershock of stress piled up over years. Who knows?
The point is, it’s a process. The mental wellness practices we uphold – be it meditation, journaling, or anything else, they’re not one-and-done solutions. They’re like training for a marathon or nailing a basketball shot. It takes consistent effort over time.
So here’s the challenge: Can you sit with the discomfort? Can you miss that basketball shot over and over again, fumble your jiu-jitsu moves, botch your video edits, or even just feel out of sorts, but still show up? Still do the work? Can you keep going, keep pushing, so that one day, you can look back and say, “This too has passed?”
‘Cause that’s what the real winners do. They put in the work, even when it’s uncomfortable. They keep at it, knowing that the discomfort today is just paving the way for triumph tomorrow.

July 10, 2023

My grandpa, my “Zedi”. Dude had a signature move whenever someone hit him up with a “how you doing?” His reply? “I’m good. Nothing to complain about. Nobody cares.” Zedi’s no-nonsense response stuck with me, and now I’m passing the baton.

Let’s face it, most people don’t have time to sit around listening to a complaint fest. You yourselves probably tune out when someone else starts moaning. So here’s the deal: we’ve got the power to decide how we react, and we can choose to skip the whine session.

Don’t get me wrong here, I am not. saying bottle it up when you’re stuck in a bind. If you need a hand, holler. Strategizing, making tweaks, getting feedback – all of that’s solid gold. That ain’t complaining. That’s just playing smart and figuring stuff out.

But, let’s be real, we all know what whining looks like. It’s those pesky, negative thoughts that sneak in when we’re zoned out, just cruising down the highway or chilling at home. If we let them run wild, they’re nothing but trouble, nibbling away at our sanity, squashing our mojo, and turning our vibe into a bad B-movie.

Here’s the truth bomb: you aren’t ever gonna find a winner who’s also a constant whiner. Those two don’t mix. So, it’s time we ditched the whining and started grinding.

Starting today, let’s get on the Zedi train, quit the complaints, and focus on the good stuff. Now that’s a winning strategy.

July 3, 2023

In this podcast episode, I’m driving home the point that training your mind is as essential as brushing your teeth. We all know how life throws curveballs, especially when we start getting a taste of success. To be ready for anything, I share my morning routine, which includes meditation, breath work, prayer, and cold showers – stuff that gets my mind primed for the day.

Just like ignoring dental hygiene can lead to a mouthful of problems, ignoring mental training can land us in a tough spot. So I hammer home the idea that we have to keep at this mental workout routine no matter what – whether it’s a sunny day, a rough day, or even while you’re on vacation. Remember, our mind’s like a muscle; it needs regular exercise to stay strong.

June 12, 2023

Waiting for perfection or the perfect moment will only lead to inaction and missed opportunities. True greatness and epic moments are born out of imperfection, struggle, and taking action. Think of the best comebacks in sports or the most legendary game-winning shots. They were made possible by facing failure, trying, attempting, and not waiting for the perfect circumstances. If you want to live a fulfilling life, it’s time to stop waiting and start doing.

Perfection and epicness are not found in waiting; they are created through action. Embrace the fact that things won’t be perfect, and that’s okay. Take that first step, then another, and keep moving forward. Epic moments come to those who enter the arena, ready to give their all, with faces marred by blood, sweat, and tears. It’s through doing, trying, and attempting that you find perfection in your own way. I can’t promise you’ll be the next Michael Jordan, but I can assure you that by discovering your passion, finding your power, and embracing your purpose, you’ll unlock a life filled with meaning and fulfillment.

Don’t wait for perfection or the right moment to come. Just do something, take that first step, and keep going. Embrace imperfection and let it be the catalyst for your journey towards epicness. Discover what drives you, tap into your power, and unleash your purpose upon the world. Remember, true fulfillment is found through action, not waiting. So, go out there and live the life you want to live. Discover your passion, find your power, and let your purpose shine.